• Jacob Zimmerman's avatar
    Configurable announcement partial for '/' · a1501a2e
    Jacob Zimmerman authored
    This lets people configure what shows up on the courses index at a
    per-deployment level. This solves what we need for both
    autolab.cs.cmu.edu as well as autolab.andrew.cmu.edu in a way that's
    flexible enough to be used by others.
    - Based off of @cg2v's original PR (#551)
      - Thanks for the initial work!
    - Rename topannounce partial to .template, add to gitignore
    - Remove `@mysite` variable
      - Instead of having the `@mysite` variable keep track of what should
        be displayed, we'll just always show the _topannounce message, and
        write a different one on every host where it's necessary.
        If the template doesn't exist, we don't render a message on that host.
    - Remove social buttons from _footer
      - We can move these to the CMU-specific _topannounce file so that
        people can opt into having these on their site. Also, it restricts
        it to the courses page, so it's less intrusive on the user
    __TODO (after landing)__:
    - [ ] Remember to add this to CMU _topannounce after landing:
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    - [ ] Update documentation in wiki showing how to use _topannounce